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Detailed Description of Transcendental Meditation by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

The TM and TM-Sidhi Techniques.

The TM technique is simple mental repetition of a "mantra" or

word. The TM movement claims that only specific "words" can be used. They

claim that the selection of words is based upon a secret formula. Court

documents have shed some light on this "secret" process. It is nothing other

than a set of words given out by age, and/or age and sex, depending on the

teacher training course the TM teacher attended.

The TM-Sidhi program is nothing other than a set of sutras

(words or phrases), mentally repeated every fifteen seconds after doing a

twenty minute session of TM. Each sutra is repeated twice, with a 15

second pause in between each repetition.

A full break down of the teachings can be found here.

Jai Guru Dev

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